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Communiqués de presse

Results for the first quarter of 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) completed the first three months of 2006 with an increase in turnover and encouraging earnings. The…

Federal Banking Commission's decision on the Motor-Columbus public exchange offer

111th Annual Shareholders Meeting of Motor-Columbus Ltd

At the 111th Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in Baden, shareholders of Motor-Columbus Ltd approved all proposals submitted by the Board.

111th Atel Annual General Meeting

Shareholders in Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) looked back on another successful financial year at the company’s 111th Annual General Meeting…

Creation of the new Atel/EOS energy group on course

Atel plans construction of a gas-fired combined power station in Monthey

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) plans to begin construction of a 55 MW gas-fired combined power station at Monthey (Valais, Switzerland) in…

New office building for 150 people

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) embarked on the construction of a new office building in Olten at the end of March 2006. The four-storey…

AIT Group makes acquisition in the HVAC sector

Zürich-based Atel Installationstechnik (AIT) Group is acquiring Luwa Schweiz AG, a leader in premises ventilation and air conditioning, from Zellweger…

sbo schliessen erfolgreiches 2005 ab

52.0 Mio. Franken Umsatz, 8.8 Mio. Franken Cash-flow und ein ausgewiesener Unternehmenserfolg von 1.6 Mio. Franken – das sind die Eckwerte des…

Atel, EOS form new leading Swiss energy group in association with EDF

The agreements on the disposal by UBS of its majority shareholding in Motor-Columbus to a predominantly Swiss-owned consortium, and on the planned…